Our students use technology to learn. Technology is essential to facilitate the creative problem solving, information fluency, critical thinking skills, and collaboration that we see in today’s world. While we want our students to be active contributors in our connected world, we also want them to be safe, legal, and responsible.
Our students have regular access to our many Chromebooks. Occasionally, our teachers and our students use a classroom iPad to assist learning. We use technology to create powerful learning opportunities that engage students and parents.
Our students can access the Internet via both wired and wireless connections throughout the school. SmartBoards within the school help to facilitate group viewing and discussions. Forest Green students have access to a standard suite of software to support their learning needs, which will include Google Applications for Education.
The acceptable use policy (AUP) supports our vision of technology use and upholds in our students a strong sense of digital citizenship and identity. This is a document that we have you and your child sign every September.